Sunday, August 23, 2009

Houghton Weekend Carnage

Sunday August 16-17:

Kells, Greg, Schmitty and I began a trip to Houghton with Kells driving while Greg, Chris and I sat 3 deep in the back seat watching "I Love You Man." -Decent movie- We met Dave at The Pines, too bad they were out of Silver Wolf Vodka.. Cheaper than 5'O with all the same positive qualities.
We went to Sturgen River for some cliff jumping, no hang gliders allowed btw, where Dave paraded around in his partied out, gnarley boxer briefs, hiking around in the woods like a true man. Kells forgot his Digi Cam and the batteries for his Go-Pro were dead so we got absolutely no footage of this trip.. sucks.

Dave has the secret underground railroad underneath his house entering through a medium-sized vent into the pool area.. lucky kid..

It took us four bars to finally get Kelly into a bar since he lost his ID.. But by the time he got in, he was more drunk than any of us since he sat in the car slammin 5'O waiting to see if they were checking IDs..

Finally we got him in to Monte Carlo's in Hancock, across the bridge. He was our DD if anyone questioned it. After a while, Kelly was passing out on the table so we sent him to the car for a nap while we closed out the bar.

Chris oficially has his own shot:
Soco, Blackberry Brandy, Peachtree, Cherry Pucker and Lemonade
The Schmidt Shot
Very Good - Try it and spread it to world fame

Long story short I left Monte Carlo's that night with a new coozi and the bartender's number, we left my number and Chris' name on a receipt

We were wayyyy to drunk to drive home so we woke up Kells out in the parking lot and began our multiple mile walk back to Dave's house.... CARNAGE...

Walk home stats:

-2 - number of times i got lost from the rest of them
-1 - flag that left Houghton the next day forever
-2 - pots Greg and I moved/kicked over
-1 - Chris laying flat in the middle of the road
-1 - stop sign i found and was dragging til Kells made me drop it.. good call
-1 - Suspension Bridge boosted to the river below by Greg
-5 - seconds the convo was between Greg and I about how the water COULD be shallow in that area
-10 - long seconds before Greg surfaced in the water below
-2 - pizzas made once we returned
Bridge boosted by Greg... So crazy

All in all good night.. We returned to The Dredge the next day where i basically peed my pants before jumping into the water 50-60 feet below.. Chris was too scared to even think about doing it.. But he did shit in the secret spot inside the building.. so nasty.. didnt even wipe.. raw..

We sat three deep on the ride home as well watching Holes, which we continued to finish once we got home.

Best part of the night:

The fact that others actually ordered the Schmidt shot after it was created..

"How much are those coozis up there?" -Brad
"Four Dollars." -Ashley the Bartender
"Can I just have one?" -Brad
"Yea.." -Ashley the Bartender

Til Next time..pz

1 comment:

  1. You missed an important ingredient. Lime Vodka. Glad you guys had fun. LOL.
