Sunday, September 27, 2009

How to revive a partied out carpet!

About 7 weeks ago our house could no longer take the musty smell of our old carpet so we went out and found a new piece of replacement carpet. We were pretty desperate so we went with the first option we found for a good price. We ended up spending 20 bucks for a nice 10x12 piece of carpet, the only drawback was that it was white...
We knew this was risky but we thought we could handle it...
In that 7 weeks our carpet suffered hundreds of stains consisting of, but not limited to;
Spilled drinks
Dog piss
Dog poop
Dip spit
Used dip
Human vomit
Dog vomit
Dirty shoes
And a handful of other terrible situations, so needless to say it looked pretty shitty.

One of the many stains on the carpet.

Two of the culprits .

So now i will give you a brief instructional on "how to revive a partied out carpet."

First step:
Go out to a Wallmart and purchase a bottle or two of your favorite color RIT Dye and try to find a pesticide sprayer.

We chose the ever so popular "wine" color, giving our house a tasteful look.

Second Step:
Mixing the RIT dye requires hot water which can be difficult to transfer into the spray bottle. One easy way of doing this is to use a beer bong (also good for many things other than bonging beer) to transfer the hot water from the tap directly into the sprayer.

Just one of the many uses of a beer bong.

Third Step:
Spread your carpet out on a flat surface outside and start spraying!

Try to spray it in sections

The transformation.

Fourth Step:
Apply at-least 3 coats of dye to the carpet to fully cover up the stains. Then you will have to rinse off the entire patch of carpet with cold water, make sure to do this until the only water running off of the carpet is clear in color.

Fifth Step:
Air the carpet dry. This step took us about 2 full days to get all of the moisture out so be sure to check the weather forecast.

Sixth Step:
Bring the carpet back into the house and continue to party with a fresh new look!

Good as new!


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